In programming language, Variable is a name which is given to a memory location where the data is being stored.
For example: Suppose in our kitchen we have different container for storing things such as - Daal, Sugar, Salt, etc. and we put name sticker on containers. So container will memory location and name on container is variable name and item in container is our data.
Things to remember :
Variable name cannot be start with a number (for ex: 5T- this is wrong way) , It always start with an alphabet. such as A2, box1, M16A. These are
correct way.
- We cannot put spaces between variables , but we can put underscore for example: Player_Name, Roll_no, etc.
- We cannot put any symbol or full stop or coma in variable name.
We can declare variables (means creating a variable) in like
A= 25
Name = James
Exam_score= 13
This is a python code for declaring a variable----