Write a python program to generate the ticket numbers for specified number of passengers traveling in a flight as per the details mentioned below:
The ticket number should be generated as airline:src:dest:number

  1. Consider AI as the value for airline
  2. src and dest should be the first three characters of the source and destination cities.
  3. number should be auto-generated starting from 101

The program should return the list of ticket numbers of last five passengers.
Note: If passenger count is less than 5, return the list of all generated ticket numbers.

Sample Input

Expected Output

airline = AI
source = Bangalore
destination = London
no_of_passengers = 10

['AI:Ban:Lon:106', 'AI:Ban:Lon:107', 'AI:Ban:Lon:108', 'AI:Ban:Lon:109', 'AI:Ban:Lon:110']

airline = BA
source = Australia
destination = France
no_of_passengers = 2

['BA:Aus:Fra:101', 'BA:Aus:Fra:102']